Sunday, December 19, 2010
Karbala: The Collision of Good and Evil
By Ayatollah Saafi Gulpaygani
"Think not of those who are slain in God's way as dead. Nay, they live, finding their sustenance in the presence of their Lord." (3:169)
The events of Karbala reflect the collision of good versus evil, the virtuous versus the wicked, and the collision of Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) versus Yazid. Imam Hussain was a revolutionary person, a righteous man, the religious authority, the Imam of the Muslim Ummah. As the representative of his grandfather Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his progeny), Imam Hussain's main concern was to safeguard and protect Islam and guide fellow Muslims. On the other hand, the staying power of the rulers (Muawiya and his son Yazid) depended solely on the might of the sword. They used brute force to rule over the Muslim empire by all possible illicit means.
The mission of Imam Hussain is a distinctly unique political and religious revolutionary movement in the history of the world. His was a tremendous undertaking which still reverberates throughout the Muslim nation. He has been a propelling force and a seminal element in events throughout Islamic history, particularly in the sphere of Jihad (the holy struggle in the way of Almighty God). Imam Hussain's example has remained vividly alive for generations and centuries. His uprising movement and ideals still have a deep impact on the conscience and awareness of the Muslim empire.
The Holy Prophet is reported to have said: "The best of Jihad is that of a word of right spoken to an unjust ruler."
Imam Hussain witnessed the deteriorating political and social situation and clearly recognized that the general policy of the authorities did not abide with Islamic principles. He was aware of the Ummah's numerous and painful afflictions and was determined to exercise his religious duty, being the duly sanctioned leader and central figure capable of restoring Islamic values. Thus he rose. His revolt is rich in lessons and divinely inspired attitudes. Imam Hussain embodied the sacrifice of self, money, family, social status, and the challenge to terror and cruelty. He patiently traversed hundreds of miles, moving both night and day. The epic protest he engendered came at the most critical political juncture. In fact, the Prophet's grandson had vowed to sacrifice himself.
Thus, Karbala proved to be a clash involving Islamic truths versus falsehood, belief versus disbelief, the oppressed versus the oppressor, and faith versus brute force. Karbala was about standing in the face of oppression, regardless no matter the cost. In Karbala, Imam Hussain, the fifty seven year old second grandson of Prophet Muhammad, sacrificed his totality and all he had, for one goal. This goal was to let the truth triumph over falsehood eventually, and he did that brilliantly. His goal was to foil the plan that Muawiya had expertly developed for his son Yazid, which was to establish a permanent Umayyad dynasty over the Muslim Ummah, but doing it in the name of Islam. Brilliantly, Imam Hussain succeeded in foiling this plan, and he exposed the disreputable nature of Umayyads, though this was at the expense of his life.
Eventually he was martyred along with his sons, most of his household, and all of his companions. The bodies were mutilated, and their heads were carried from Karbala to Kufa and finally Damascus. His womenfolk were taken prisoners and marched across the desert. He himself was expecting all that, but did not budge an inch.
An uprising led by the noblest and best accepted personality in the entire Ummah is certainly one which is uniquely distinguished as a movement abounding with spiritual, moral, and religious ideals.
Such a sublime revolution has to be studied, dissected, and fully understood. Lessons should be drawn from it. Here we note that the backward and downtrodden nations must one day follow in the footsteps of Imam Hussain if they are to challenge the despots.
Karbala never passes away. Its sun never sets in the horizon of history. Its anguish can never be effaced from the conscience of freemen by the collective conspiracy of tyrants.
At Karbala, clouds of blood rained, and generations of martyrs and revolutionaries took root and sprouted. The sound of the fearless voice of Imam Hussain still echoes in the valley of Karbala, ringing in the ears of time. It is a hurricane that chafes and shakes the tyrants. It is a volcano of blood, violently jolting the despots' thrones. It awakens free consciences and stirs within man the spirit of revolution and Jihad. His voice is still echoing in the ears of mankind:
"By God, I will never give you my hand like a man who has been humiliated, nor will I flee like a slave."
Monday, November 22, 2010
Imam Khamenei's Message to Hajj Pilgrims (1431 A.H.) (2010/11/15 - 11:00)
In the Name of Allah, the All-beneficent, the All-merciful.
All praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of the worlds and may Allah’s blessings be upon our Master, Muhammad al-Mustafa and his immaculate Family and his elect Companions.
As a symbol of Islamic unity and honour and the emblem of monotheism and spirituality, the Holy Ka’bah, during the Hajj season, is host to the ardent and hopeful hearts, who come hurrying from all over the world to the birthplace of Islam in response to the call of the Glorious Lord. At this time, the Islamic Ummah can have a bird’s eye view of its own great extent and diversity, seen through the eyes of its envoys who gather here from all over the world, and be witness to the profound faith that rules over the hearts of the followers of the True Religion, and appreciate its great and peerless heritage.
This self-discovery of the Ummah enables us as Muslims to become aware of the position which is worthy of them in the world, today and tomorrow, and to keep moving towards it.
The expanding wave of Islamic awakening in the world today is a reality that heralds a bright future for the Islamic Ummah. This powerful surge started three decades ago with the victory of the Islamic Revolution and establishment of the system of the Islamic Republic. Our great Ummah has continued to march ahead non-stop, removing the obstacles from its way and conquering new fronts. The sophisticated stratagems of the global Arrogance and its costly maneuvers aimed at countering Islam are also a consequence of these victories.
The extensive propaganda of the enemy to spread Islamophobia, its offhand efforts to create discord among Muslim sects, to incite sectarian prejudices, to bring about pseudo-confrontations between the Sunnis and the Shi’ah, to create disunity between Islamic states and to aggravate their differences, to change them into hostility and unsolvable conflicts, its employment of intelligence and espionage outfits to propagate corruption and immorality amongst the youth—all these are nervous and bewildered responses to the steady and firm advances of the Islamic Ummah towards awakening, honour and freedom.
Today the Zionist regime is no more the undefeatable monster of 30 years ago. The United States and the West are also no more the unquestionable decision-makers of the Middle East that they were two decades ago. Contrary to the situation that existed ten years ago, the nuclear know-how and other complex technologies are no longer considered inaccessible daydreams for Muslim nations of the region. Today the Palestinian nation is an acknowledged paragon of resistance, the Lebanese nation has single-handedly demolished the fake awesomeness of the Zionist regime and emerged as the victor of the 33-day war, and the Iranian nation is at the vanguard of the movement towards the looming peaks.
Today the arrogant United States, the self-styled commandant of the Islamic region and the real sponsor of the Zionist regime, is bogged down in the quagmire of its own making in Afghanistan. As a result of all its crimes against the people of Iraq, it is in the course of becoming isolated in that country. It is hated more than ever before in disaster-stricken Pakistan. Today, the influence of the anti-Islamic front which since the past two centuries has acted as a despotic overlord over Islamic nations and states and plundered their resources, is receding before the heroic resistance of the Muslim nations.
On the opposite side, the wave of Islamic awakening is steadily advancing and growing in depth day by day.
On the one hand, this hopeful and promising situation should inspire us, the Muslim nations, to keep marching ahead towards the desirable future with ever greater confidence. On the other hand, the past lessons and experience should make us more vigilant than ever before. This general imperative undoubtedly calls for greater commitment from religious scholars, political leaders, intellectuals and youth than the others and requires them to be at the vanguard of the struggle.
The clear and living message of the Noble Qur’an is addressed to us:
You are the best nation ever brought forth for mankind: you bid what is right and forbid what is wrong, and have faith in Allah. (3:110)
In this majestic address the Islamic Ummah is declared as one which has been brought forth for the sake of humanity. The aim of its birth is the good of mankind and its deliverance.
Its major duty is to urge what is good and to forbid evil while maintaining unshakeable faith in God. There is no ‘right thing’ (ma’ruf) more significant than rescuing nations from the satanic claws of the global Arrogance, and there is no ‘wrong thing’ (munkar) uglier than dependence on the Arrogant and servitude to them.
Today the major duties of the elite of the Islamic Ummah is to provide help to the Palestinian nation and the besieged people of Gaza, to sympathize and provide assistance to the nations of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq and Kashmir, to engage in struggle and resistance against the aggressions of the United States and the Zionist regime, to safeguard the solidarity of Muslims and stop tainted hands and mercenary voices that try to damage this unity, to spread awakening and the sense of responsibility and commitment among Muslim youth throughout Islamic communities.
The glorious spectacle and stage of Hajj provides us with an opportunity for the fulfillment of these duties and summons us to intensify and redouble our resolution and efforts.
Peace and Allah’s mercy be upon you!
Sayyid Ali Hussaini Khamenei
1 Dhul Hijjah, 1431
(8 Nov., 2010)
hajj message,
Muslim world,
seyed ali khamaneie
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Aal Saud: jahili roots, destructive role
By Zafar Bangash
Despite the immense damage inflicted on Islam and its historic sites by the House of Saud, most Muslims remain blissfully oblivious of their true nature and the toxic ideology they preach. Part of the reason may be found in the Muslims’ innocent belief that the sanctity of the Haramayn — the two holy cities of Makkah and Madinah — is somehow linked with the ruling family in the Arabian Peninsula. Some Muslims may even be impressed by the massive construction work underway around al-Masjid al-Haram in Makkah and Masjid
al-Nabi in Madinah, although this is a recent phenomenon. Saudi propagandists eagerly promote the shiny new glass and concrete towers turning Makkah and Madinah into replicas of Las Vegas and New York as “signs of progress”. What is less well understood is the cost of such projects, not in dollars but in the permanent loss of the historic sites of Islam through their wholesale destruction. In a few decades, virtually nothing would be left of the history of Islam, its historic sites or the Haramayn’s link with the struggle of the noble Messenger (pbuh) to establish the din of Allah (swt) on earth.
How did the Saudi clan that originated in the remote corner of Nejd, Central Arabia — not the Hijaz where the two holy cities of Makkah and Madinah are located — take control of the Haramayn as well as the Arabian Peninsula? This is a sordid tale of intrigue, guile and indescribable cruelty perpetrated by the beduin hordes from Nejd in the name of “purifying” Islam. In their quest, they also found support from the British, starting in the early part of the last century.
Tribal roots, obscurantist ideology
The Aal Sauds from Dar’iyyah, a backward tribal outpost north of Riyadh, were one of many clans that dotted the desert landscape. Like most clans and tribes at the time, they lived by attacking and robbing other tribes as well as pilgrims’ caravans (the Saudis have developed more sophisticated forms of robbing pilgrims today but the practice nevertheless continues). Killing people and grabbing their women was common practice among the beduins. The Aal Sauds were one of many primitive tribes, which also included Banu Rashid, Banu Hashim and Banu Khalid, among others. They all vied for domination and control. In 1744, however, there occurred one of those freak developments that had a profound impact not only on the Arabian Peninsula but the entire Muslim world. Muhammad ibn ‘Abdul Wahhab (1703–1792ce), a self-proclaimed preacher and qadi, moved to Dar’iyyah and struck an alliance with Muhammad ibn Saud, head of the Saudi clan. This proved a potent combination.
It is important to understand what Muhammad ibn ‘Abdul Wahhab preached. He latched onto the idea of promoting tawhid — the Oneness of Allah (swt). Every Muslim believes in tawhid; this is the fundamental pillar of iman (faith-commitment). What he did was to denounce every practice that he did not agree with as shirk (the assignment of rival or competitive authorities in place of Allah – Â). He drew up a list of acts that if indulged in would make a Muslim a kafir or mushrik (for an example of this, one can see: Bayan al-najah wa-al-fakak min muwalat al-murtaddin wa-ahl al-shirk: al-Risalah al-Thaniya ‘Asharah, collected by Hamad ibn ‘Atiq al-Najdi in Majmu‘at al-Tawhid by Muhammad ibn ‘Abdul Wahhab). Thus, Muslims that visited cemeteries to pray for the deceased, were denounced as committing shirk, hence legitimate targets for killing. Similarly, Muslims that showed respect for the great scholars of Islam or for spirituality were denounced as mushriks. Again, they were considered legitimate targets for killing. That the noble Messenger of Allah (pbuh) used to visit the Baqi‘ Cemetery in Madinah to pray for the deceased was and continues to be dismissed by these obscurantist zealots as irrelevant. For them, the Sahabah (companions of the Prophet – r), the Tabi‘in (that followed the Sahabah), their subsequent generations and Muslim scholars for more than 1,100 years since the time of the noble Messenger (pbuh) had not understood Islam correctly. It was only Muhammad ibn ‘Abdul Wahhab who had finally discovered true Islam. The Wahhabi ideology, therefore, was the only pure and correct ideology.
While this peculiar ideology is commonly referred to as Wahhabism, it is an unfortunate label. His father, ‘Abdul Wahhab and brother Sulayman ibn ‘Abdul Wahhab were good Muslims. Neither approved of Muhammad ibn ‘Abdul Wahhab’s rantings and narrow interpretations of Islam. Suleyman in particular refuted his brother’s extreme views in a treatise, al-Sawa‘iq al-Ilahiyyah. Chiding the Wahhabis for their illogical stance, Sulayman writes (p. 54), “Wa taj‘alun mizan kufr an-nass mukhtalafatakum wa mizan al-Islam muwaffaqatakum: You assess or measure people’s faith by the degree of their agreement with you and their rejection of faith by the level of their disagreement with you.” It is interesting to note that Sulayman’s book is not available in most major Muslim cities in the world today. The Saudis have used their considerable wealth and influence — and continue to do so — to ensure such copies disappear as soon as they appear in any market. In contrast, books promoting the Saudis’ narrow interpretation of Islam are widely available and freely distributed by their paid agents and preachers.
Toxic alliance
Like most beduins at the time, Muhammad ibn ‘Abdul Wahhab also wandered into the desert. But unlike others, he did not go merely in search of food or water; he went, allegedly to seek knowledge. Wandering eastward, he went to the Persian Gulf, a more cosmopolitan region because of its contacts with the outside world, unlike his native Najd. For a while, Muhammad ibn ‘Abdul Wahhab dabbled in Sufism but ultimately he adopted the more harsh interpretations of a narrow ideology that came to be associated with him. It is commonly, but again mistakenly, assumed that his views were influenced by the 14th-century Islamic scholar, Imam Ibn Taimiyyah. The Wahhabis use those rulings of Ibn Taimiyyah that fit their narrow thinking but reject others. They use Ibn Taimiyyah’s name to gain legitimacy for their extremist views. Further, while they denounce taqlid (following some scholar’s opinion in matters of religion), they insist all Muslims must follow their extremist interpretations otherwise they are kafirs and, therefore, must be killed.
Most scholars in Riyadh and the larger Najd region rejected his views denouncing them as a heretic and outside the fold of Islam. Denounced by the ‘alims of Riyadh, ‘Abdul Wahhab was forced to move to Dar’iyyah where he found a receptive ear in Muhammad ibn Saud. They struck an alliance that proved lethal for the Ummah.
In his quest for power and domination over rival clans and tribes, Muhammad ibn Saud needed a religious crutch, while the preacher needed an audience and swords to impose his narrow views. The Saudi hordes, now charged with an extremist ideology, erupted from Dar’iyyah in 1745 and quickly subdued Riyadh. Islamic scholars in Riyadh and elsewhere that had opposed ‘Abdul Wahhab were summarily executed. Their primitive savagery and barbarism quickly brought the whole of Najd under control. Flushed with such victories, the Saudi-Wahhabi hordes now spread both west toward the Hijaz and east toward Karbala, Kufa and Baghdad. Muhammad ibn Saud died in 1762 and was succeeded by his son ‘Abd al-Rahman but the preacher, Muhammad ibn ‘Abdul Wahhab lived for another 30 years. Thousands of Shi‘is were butchered in Karbala and Kufa in 1803 and 1804. They also destroyed the mosque where Imam Husain is buried. The Saudi-Wahhabi zealots also murdered hundreds of Islamic scholars in Baghdad accusing them of spreading a distorted message of Islam because it did not conform to their extremist views. Even the children of these scholars were not spared because they would grow up to become “heretics” like their parents!
Slaughter and desecration
Similar pogroms were perpetrated in Makkah and Madinah. For the Saudi-Wahhabi zealots, any Muslim not subscribing to their narrow views was a “heretic” and his killing was, therefore, not only justified but mandatory. In 1802, they invaded Ta’if, a town 40km southeast of Makkah. When the people resisted, the marauders murdered every male inhabitant they could grab. When news of the Ta’if massacre reached Makkah and Madinah, the people opened their gates for the savages, hoping this would spare them the fate that befell the residents of Ta’if. The barbarians from Najd were not impressed by such gestures. After satiating their blood lust against the “kafirs” of Makkah and Madinah, they turned their attention to religious shrines and places of historical significance. The Baqi‘ Cemetery was a particular target of their wrath. As rulers of the Muslim world, the Ottoman Turks were responsible for the preservation and maintenance of these historical monuments. They had built domes over the graves of the Prophet’s (pbuh) companions and members of his family, including ummahat al-muminin (mothers of the believers) for easy identification. The Saudi-Wahhabi hordes smashed all these and vandalized the Baqi‘ Cemetery under the spurious pretext that these would lead to shirk. For more than 1,100 years this had not happened. All of a sudden Muslims were in danger of becoming mushriks by visiting the Baqi‘ Cemetery or the graves of the shahids of Uhud.
Dealing with the Saudi-Wahhabi hordes
When news of the massacres at Ta’if, Makkah and Madinah and the Saudi-Wahhabis’ vandalism and desecration of Islamic sites reached Sultan Mehmud II in Istanbul, he was furious. He immediately ordered Muhammad ‘Ali, his viceroy in Egypt, to deal with the marauders and punish them for killing Muslims and desecrating Islamic sites. Thereafter, Makkah and Madinah were liberated from their clutches in 1813 but Dar’iyyah proved more difficult. It took another six years before Muhammad ‘Ali’s son, Ibrahim Pasha, was able to defeat and drive the Saudi-Wahhabi hordes out. As punishment for their crimes, Dar’iyyah was razed to the ground; but unfortunately for later generations, Ibrahim Pasha did not pursue them further assuming that this was sufficient punishment for their crime. ‘Abd al-Rahman ibn Muhammad ibn Saud took his demoralized followers down the Wadi Hanifah to Riyadh. Having defeated and driven out other clans from the area during their first eruption from Dar’iyyah, it was not difficult to re-establish control in Riyadh. But the Aal Sauds were vanquished when Banu Rashid, who had been driven out of Dar’iyyah, returned to exact revenge, expelling them in 1891. Banu Rashid extended its authority over much of Najd by making alliances with other clans and tribes.
Abdul Aziz ibn Saud
‘Abd al-Rahman ibn Muhammad ibn Saud fled eastward and sought refuge with Mubarak al-Sabah in what is present-day Kuwait. While he sulked in his tent over the loss of Riyadh, one of his teenage sons, ‘Abd al-‘Aziz, better known as Abdul Aziz ibn ‘Abd al-Rahman Aal Saud (founder of the Saudi Kingdom), excelled in raiding pilgrims’ caravans. He soon gained notoriety for ruthlessness and guile. In January 1902, Abdul Aziz launched a pre-dawn raid on Banu Rashid’s Mismak fortress in Riyadh. The governor of Riyadh, Shaikh Ajlan was killed and the garrison surrendered after a brief fight. Other skirmishes followed in which Abdul Aziz survived either through good fortune, as at al-Dilam (1903), or by bribing other tribes to betray Banu Rashid. In 1905, Abdul Aziz even pledged allegiance to Sultan Mehmud II in Istanbul but did everything in his power to undermine the sultan’s authority. In April 1906, the Aal Sauds and Banu Rashid clashed at Rawdah al-Muhannah. The Banu Rashid chief, also named ‘Abd al-‘Aziz, was killed. This was a loss not only for Banu Rashid but also a setback for the Ottomans who had backed the Banu Rashid.
Abdul Aziz Aal Saud understood another fact of life in the constantly shifting loyalties of the desert: since most clans and/or tribes were virtually equal in power, the only way to beat them was through external help. While the Ottoman Turks had exercised control over the area through their governors, their power was in decline as British colonialists marched in. Abdul Aziz was well aware of this as the British had already installed the Sabah family in Kuwait. They might do the same for him if he offered his services against the Ottomans. Britain, however, was more interested in the Hijaz at the time. Unlike the Persian Gulf, Britain’s interest in the Hijaz was not merely commercial. True, the Red Sea port of Jeddah is important but its real significance was political because of the Haramayn (Makkah and Madinah). It had to be wrested from Ottoman control.
British intrigue
A British military officer, Captain R.F. Burton (later Sir Richard Burton) had already expressed such views in the early 1850s following his visits to Makkah and Madinah under the guise of having converted to Islam. In 1881, the British Consul General in Jeddah, Zohrab, spelled out in even more clear terms the significance of the Hijaz and Hajj. He wrote to London, “[Certain persons] I am persuaded, proceed on the Hajj for political reasons (emphasis added). Mecca being free of European intrusion is safe ground on which meetings can be held, ideas exchanged… Up to the present time we have kept no watch on those who come and go… thus meetings may be convened at Mecca at which combinations hostile to us may form without our knowing anything till the shell bursts in our midst…”
The Hijaz had become a velayat (province) of the Ottoman State in 1840 and appointment of the sharif (governor-administrator) of Makkah had devolved to the Sultan in Istanbul. By the beginning of the 20th century, Britain had started to cultivate its own independent links with the sharif in an attempt to undermine Turkish authority.
Husayn ibn ‘Ali, the Sharif of Makkah
Aware of such British plans, the Turks published a commentary in the Makkan paper, Hijaz, pointing to this plot calling it most “devilish” (Hijaz, No.1896, Safar 25, 1433ah (1914ce), p.1). The British plan proceeded apace with a number of its agents — T.E. Lawrence, Captain Shakespear, Sir Henry McMahon, Sir Percy Cox, et al — bribing Arabian chiefs with money and promises to make them rulers of the Arabian Peninsula if they would help Britain defeat the Ottomans. They found willing accomplices in Sharif Husayn ibn ‘Ali (of the Hashemite clan), Abdul Aziz Aal Saud and others. All of them were put on the British payroll and paid 20,000£ annually plus guns to attack Turkish troops in the Arabian Peninsula. At the same time, the British pledged to create a homeland for the Jews in Palestine under the now infamous Balfour Declaration of November 1917.
The British had no intention of honoring their pledges to these naive Arabian chiefs. This was exposed following the overthrow of the Czar in Russia. In November 1917, the Bolsheviks stumbled upon the Sykes-Picot Agreement under which the British and French had agreed to divide the Middle East into their respective spheres of influence. Civil servants Mark Sykes of Britain and George Picot of France had secretly agreed in February 1916 on the division of the Middle East, completely ignoring promises made to the various tribal chiefs.
Following Turkey’s defeat in the First World War (their army had already been infiltrated by British agents and many Turkish officers had become freemasons), the British reneged on their pledges to the Arabian chiefs. Husayn ibn ‘Ali was furious at this betrayal; he had dreamed of becoming king of the entire Arabian Peninsula. In order to placate him, the British placed one of his sons, ‘Abdullah, as amir of Transjordan (breaking it from Palestine) and the other son, Faysal, as king of Syria from where he was soon driven out. The British then installed Faysal as king of Iraq (the monarchy in Iraq finally ended with the military coup of 1958 that killed the Hashemite ruler).
Abdul Aziz meanwhile worked hard to consolidate his home base. It appears, until then his interest was confined to his native Najd. Besides, the Hijaz already had an Ottoman-appointed governor who also enjoyed British support. Using his legendary guile, Abdul Aziz started to cultivate the Wahhabis (now called Ikhwan) who were based around al-Artawiyah. He encouraged them to settle near Riyadh, especially Ghot Ghot. He brought Wahhabi tribes like the ‘Utaybah, Mutayr and Ajman to settle there. He promised to implement the Shari‘ah (according to their narrow understanding) once they helped him establish the Islamic State in Najd. Abdul Aziz also continued his links with the British. Had the Wahhabi Ikhwan known of this, they would certainly have declared him a kafir and killed him. It was too late when they found out. From 1928–1931 they rose in revolt against Abdul Aziz but British planes, guns, money and military advice helped crush the Ikhwan revolt. The very people that had helped Abdul Aziz and his family in their early conquests and later helped him consolidate his hold over Najd were now betrayed and murdered by him with the help of the British kafirs!
Abolition of the khilafah
In Turkey meanwhile Mustafa Kemal, a freemason, had come to power. He first abolished the sultanate in November 1922 and then on March 3, 1924, announced abolition of the khilafah as well, forcing Abdulmecid II (‘Abd al-Majid), the last nominal khalifah of the Muslims, into exile. This severed the last link, however tenuous, with the first Islamic State established by none other than the noble Messenger of Allah (pbuh) in Madinah nearly 1,300 years earlier. Husayn ibn ‘Ali, then living in Transjordan, immediately pounced on this and declared himself khalifah hoping this would garner the support of the Muslims as well as force the hand of the British to accept him as ruler of all the Arabs. The Muslims of India had led a Khilafat Movement in hopes of preserving this institution during the period 1922–1924. But Husayn ibn ‘Ali’s declaration did not go down well with the Muslims; he was known as a British agent who led the Arab Revolt that had helped defeat the Ottomans. This in turn paved the way for the destruction of the khilafah altogether.
Abdul Aziz, ever the canny operator, realized that this was his opportunity to make a move. As an obscure figure, at least in view of the larger Muslim world, his links with the British were not widely known. He thought he could move against the Sharif of Makkah and that the Muslims would support him. This also suited the British since Husayn ibn ‘Ali had become troublesome especially after the British refused to make him ruler of all the Arabs. Britain agreed to Abdul Aziz’s attack on Makkah. The Saudi-Wahhabi hordes’ assault on Makkah was preceded by two other events: the massacre of 5,000 pilgrims from Yemen in July 1923 and the Saudis’ assault on Ta’if in September 1924. The Saudis slaughtered between 600 and 900 residents of Ta’if, including many that had sought refuge in masjids. Even the sanctity of masjids did not prevent their being attacked and killed. The Saudi hordes first slit people’s throats inside the masjids and then set fire to the buildings, all in the name of “purifying” Islam.
Saudi vandalism in the Hijaz
When the Saudis stormed Makkah, the terrified people fled to Jeddah and barricaded themselves inside their homes, news of the Ta’if massacre having reached them before the Saudi-Wahhabi hordes arrived. This was almost a repeat of the slaughter the Saudis had perpetrated in 1802. Husayn ibn ‘Ali had also fled Makkah for Jeddah before the Saudi marauders entered the city. Without British help, he could not resist the Saudi onslaught. The British put him on an old steamer into exile in Cyprus.
The Saudi hordes led by Abdul Aziz indulged in their customary brutality and destruction of the holy places. Many entered the sacred sanctuary of al-Masjid al-Haram wearing ihram while simultaneously armed with British-supplied guns. The Saudi-Wahhabis’ rallying cry had always been to “purify” Islam but they violated every tenet of Islam: sanctity of the Haram, no weapons, altercation or bloodshed in Makkah, and safety of the pilgrims. Even the mushriks at the time of the noble Messenger (pbuh), the mortal enemies of Islam, had more respect for these tenets but the Saudis that claim to be Muslims, openly flouted them.
When Makkah fell to his hordes, Abdul Aziz issued a disclaimer eschewing any claims to the throne of the Hijaz or the khilafah. He insisted he was content with his possessions in Najd but wanted to “rid the Hijaz and my people of the cruelty of the Sharif.” This was a lie. While the Sharif, Husayn ibn ‘Ali, may have been cruel, he could not match the cruelty and murderous zeal of the Saudi-Wahhabi hordes. Besides, Abdul Aziz was already planning to attack Madinah and captured it on December 5, 1925.
Abdul Aziz declares himself king
Within a few weeks (January 1926), while accompanied by the imam of al-Masjid al-Haram, Abdul Aziz declared himself “king of the Hijaz”. Even then he continued to indulge in duplicity and lies. Allah (swt) has condemned liars in the strongest terms in the noble Qur’an, “The curse of Allah is upon those that lie” (3:61). He said he was forced to declare himself king because of the “indifference of foreign Muslims” despite his repeated requests for advice about the management of holy places. Besides, the merchants and notables of Jeddah had asked him to become the king! Those leading the charge of “purifying” Islam have never seen fit to explain whether kingship is permitted in Islam. The Saudis and their court ‘alims that have opened a bid‘ah factory denouncing everything not to their liking are guilty of a mega-bid‘ah but their paid agents never broach this subject.
Until the Second World War, Abdul Aziz remained a British agent. With the emergence of America as a global power, Abdul Aziz quickly moved to become Uncle Sam’s loyal servant, a relationship that has continued to this day. For keeping the House of Saud in power, the Americans are given whatever they wish: oil, military bases and trillions of dollars in cash. The House of Saud has also cultivated close links with the ruling oligarchy in America, especially the House of Bush, and other families.
Abdul Aziz had also acquired multiple wives from whom he sired many children. Today the House of Saud has expanded to some 40,000 princes. Barring a few, the vast majority display the worst kind of behavior. They indulge in virtually every vice forbidden in Islam: drinking, adultery, gambling, stealing the country’s oil wealth and being subservient to the enemies of Islam. They conform to everyone and everything, except Allah (swt), nastaghfir-allah. Officially, the Qur’an has been declared the country’s constitution but the system of government is hereditry. When one king dies, he is succeeded by the next brother in line. One is forced to ask: if the Qur’an is the kingdom’s constitution, what Qur’anic ayah permits such succession, or the device of kingship as a legitimate method of representation in Islam? Did the noble Messenger of Allah (pbuh) or his successors, al-Khilafah al-Rashidah, declare themselves kings? If not, on what basis do the Saudis impose the system of kingship?
Theoretically, the kingdom is governed by Shari‘ah (Islamic Law) but it does not apply inside the walls of the numerous palaces where every vice takes place. Under the guise of applying the Shari‘ah, the Saudis have perpetrated the worst kind of zulm imaginable on ordinary people, especially poor workers and laborers from places like Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and the Philippines. Public beheadings are a frequent occurrence in Riyadh. In order to increase their terror potential, they are carried out after Jumu‘ah Salah. Offenders are often poor workers found guilty of importing a few grams of heroin. The “royals” steal billions of dollars and smuggle them out of the country, smuggle alcohol into the country, manage the drug trade from the crime syndicate on the eastern part of the country, and traffic poor women from all over the world for their carnal pleasures, but the law has never touched them. If the Shari‘ah were applied equitably, there would not be a single Saudi prince with a safe pair of hands. And if punishment for adultery were fairly and judicially instituted, there would not be enough stones in the kingdom to administer proper justice to the hordes of Saudi royals.
The Saudis have spent at least $87 billion propagating Wahhabism abroad during the past two decades, and the scale of financing is believed to have increased in the past two years. The bulk of this funding goes towards the construction and operating expenses of masjids, madrasas, and other religious institutions that preach Wahhabism. It also supports imam training; mass media and publishing outlets; distribution of textbooks and other literature; and endowments to universities (in exchange for influence over the appointment of Islamic scholars). Some of the millions of non-Saudis who live in Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf have been influenced by Wahhabism and preach Wahhabism in their home country upon their return. Agencies controlled by the Kingdom's Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Endowments, Da'wah and Guidance are responsible for outreach to non-Muslim residents.
Even for Muslims in Saudi Arabia, the Wahhabi ideology denies them basic rights. Conceived in 1744 by Muhammad ibn ‘Abdul Wahhab, the lay preacher, it employed violent enforcers called mutawwi‘ or mutawwi‘un to ensure obedience. Nowadays the mutawwi‘un (religious policemen) allegedly enforce the promotion of virtue and prevention of vice. The mutawwi‘un are ruthless. On one occasion, they caused 15 schoolgirls to die on 3-11-2002 when a fire broke out in a school dormitory. Several girls tried to escape the burning building, but were met by members of the mutawwi‘un, who found the girls not dressed in appropriate attire. They beat the girls to send them back into the flames. The mutawwi‘un also prevented approaching firemen from putting out the fire.
The mutawwi‘un’s powers were slightly reduced in May 2006, but their repression continues. On 6-6-2006 a 70-year old Saudi woman was placed in jail because she went into a shop where only a male shopkeeper was present. The elderly and disabled woman was arrested by the mutawwi‘un because she had been “in close proximity to a man” (khalwah).
The mutawwi‘un are involved in destroying national monuments which had survived since the time of the Prophet (pbuh), lest they become places of pilgrimage. In 1998, the grave of Aminah bint Wahb, the Prophet’s (pbuh) mother, was destroyed. The house of Khadijah, the Prophet’s (pbuh) first wife, has been replaced with lavatories. Only 20 structures from the time of Islam’s Prophet (pbuh) now remain.
Muslims must seriously consider whether the Haramayn can be left in the hands of people with such low character. Are the Haramayn the common heritage of the Ummah or the private property of the Saudi hordes who are guilty of egregious crimes against Islam and the Muslims? We must seriously reflect on why our supplications are not answered by Allah (swt). The Ummah is suffering so much because we have allowed such people to take control of the most sacred places of Islam.
Unless the Haramayn — Makkah and Madinah — are liberated from the clutches of these recalcitrant thieves, adulterers, and despots, Allah’s (swt) mercy will not manifest itself in our lives. We need to look deeply into ourselves for some serious reflection.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Time to liberate Makkah, again
Zafar Bangash
As millions of Muslims gather in Makkah in preparation for the performance of Hajj, it is important to reflect on the significance of this fundamental pillar of Islam. Is it being performed in accordance with the commands of Allah (swt) outlined in the noble Qur’an and exemplified by the Messenger of Allah (pbuh)? Further, we need to ask whether the environment of Makkah and indeed the Haramayn (that includes Madinah as well) has been maintained in keeping with Islamic values and principles.
Before we reflect on these aspects, let us remind ourselves of what Allah (swt) says in the noble Book.
Only they shall tend to the masjids of Allah that make a firm commitment to Him, and are conscious of the Day of Reckoning [when they shall account for their deeds]; and institutionalize the salah and pay their zakah [in order to purify their accumulated wealth] and fear no one beside Allah. For such only shall be guided to the right path. Do you think that slaking the thirst of the pilgrims and tending to al-Masjid al-Haram is [equal to the one] who makes a firm commitment to Allah and is certain of the Day of Judgement, and strives with utmost effort in the way of Allah? They are certainly not equal before Allah. And Allah does not guide [to the right way] those that perpetrate zulm [in this world] (9:18–19).
Pondering over the above ayaat, it appears as if they were revealed specifically to describe the behaviour of the present rulers in the Arabian Peninsula. The Saudis, like the mushriks of old, make a big show of their control of the Haramayn. The ayaat emphasize several points clarifying for Muslims what is important from what is peripheral. Only those truly committed to Allah (swt) that fear no one but Him, are eligible to tend to His masjids, including al-Masjid al-Haram. Further, that providing water to pilgrims, as the Saudis do and as the mushriks of old did, is no substitute for nor equal to struggling in the way of Allah (swt). Allah (swt) categorically rejected the mushriks’ misplaced pride as custodians of the Ka‘bah as He dismisses the contrived taqwa of the Saudi munafiqs today. The Saudi rulers are even worse than the mushriks of old. Unlike the Saudis, the mushriks of the Prophet’s (pbuh) time were not cowards; they did not seek the protection of others. The Saudis are afraid of everyone except Allah (swt), nastaghfir-allah.
Allah (swt) did not complete His revelation until Makkah was liberated from the clutches of the mushriks and cleansed of its idols. Today there may not be idols of stone but there are other idols that pollute the environment of the Haramayn. New forms of idols: tribalism, nationalism, crass commercialism and the culture of Western imperialism have enveloped Makkah and Madinah, viciously transforming its spiritual and universalist ambience into an exclusivist enclave for petro-princes and their handlers. Muslims go for Hajj to experience spiritual revival and cleansing but they return commercially stuffed and spiritually empty. How can they have a spiritual experience or connect with prophetic history when the Saudis are busy obliterating all traces of that cherished history under the guise of providing better services to the pilgrims? Makkah and Madinah are being turned into replicas of any western city with emphasis on fast food, glittering lights and concrete and steel towers. How can an average Muslim identify with Islamic history under this inexorable drift into modern-day jahilliyah?
Just as Allah (swt) did not complete His revelation to the noble Messenger (pbuh) until Makkah was liberated from the clutches of the mushriks, Muslims cannot hope to solve the myriad problems confronting them until they liberate the Ka‘bah from the clutches of the contemporary jahils whose behaviour is more scandalous than the royal Windsors and Hollywood. Makkah and Madinah are not the private property of Saudi princes and monarchs. They are not fit morally, politically or spiritually to be in control of the most sacred sites of Muslims. Their behaviour and cowardice disqualify them to be anywhere near the Haramayn much less be in control of them.
The global Islamic movement has a choice: it can continue to live with the mistaken belief that everything is normal and that nothing needs to be done as long as the Saudis “provide water” to the pilgrims and continue their concrete and steel crusade against the sacred sites of Islam. Or, the Islamic movement can take stock of the situation where Islam’s history is being obliterated at a furious pace, and demand that the Saudis relinquish control of these sacred sites. True, they will not do so willingly. The Saudi hordes perpetrated horrible crimes when they invaded the Hijaz, not once but twice. They must be driven out of the Haramayn in the same manner as the Ottoman rulers’ representatives in Egypt, Muhammad Ali and Ibrahim Pasha had done from 1813 to 1819.
If the Muslims do not wish to see Makkah and Madinah destroyed completely at the hands of these cultural hooligans from the backward desert outpost of Dar‘iyyah, then they have a duty to act, and fast. Tomorrow may be too late. It is time to liberate Makkah once again. Islam requires no less.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Arabian rulers align themselves with Zionism and imperialism against Islamic Iran
From top left to bottom right: King Fahd, Crown Prince Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz al-Saud, Prince Sultan bin Abdul Aziz, Prince Salman, Prince Nayef, Prince Saud al-Faisal, Prince Nawaf bin Abdul Aziz, Bandar bin Sultan, Prince Turki al-Faisal, Muhammad bin Fahd, Abdul Aziz bin Fahd, Khalid bin Sultan.
During his visit to San Francisco, California, to sign the United States Charter in 1945, then-Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Abdulaziz met with President Harry Truman.
The meeting between King Abdulaziz and President Franklin D. Roosevelt on Febuary 14, 1945 set the stage for close Saudi-U.S. relations.
The meeting between King Abdulaziz and President Franklin D. Roosevelt on Febuary 14, 1945 set the stage for close Saudi-U.S. relations.
Sultan Muhammad ibn Yousuf (L), his son Prince Moulay Hassan (C), the future King of Morocco, Saudi Arabia's King Saud ibn Abd al-Aziz (2nd-L) and Morocco Prince Moulay Abdullah (L) walk together during King's visit to Casablanca 20 February 1957. Ibn Yousuf was recognized as the legitimate Sultan of Morocco after Sultan Muhammad ibn Arafa renounced the throne and withdrew in 1955 to the international zone of Tangier. Prince Moulay Hassan was proclaimed heir of the throne in July 1957 and in August his father assumed the title of King. On the death of King Muhammad in February 1961 the Prince ascended the throne as King Hassan II. He is 20the of the Filali line of sharifs, or descendants of the Prophet, who have ruled Morocco since 1631.
Crown Prince Faisal bin Abdulaziz met with President John F. Kennedy in Washington, DC, in 1962
King Faisal bin Abdulaziz with President Lyndon B JohnsonRichard Nixon in 1966.
King Faisal bin Abdulaziz met with President Richard Nixon in 1971.
King Khaled bin Abdulaziz and then-Crown Prince Fahd with President Carter in Riyadh in 1978.
Commander of the National Guard Prince Abdullah bin Abdulaziz met with President Ford in the White House in 1976.
Crown Prince Fahd met with President Jimmy Carter and former President Gerald Ford during a visit to Washington, DC, in 1977.
Charles and Diana With Saudi Royals at, Victoria St.
Charitable: Prince Charles meets King Abdullah and his 400 strong entourage as the Saudi royal arrives for his state visit in the UK
Lost in translation? Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, are greeted by Saudi Prince Bandar Bin Sultan on their arrival at Riyadh in 2006.
King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia Visits with Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom on October 30, 2007
George W. Bush with his Saudi Arabian friends. The Saudi Royal family donated millions to Bush's election campaign.
The Prince and Princess of Wales meeting King Fahd and the Saudi Arabia royal family at Gatwick Airport for their state visit to England, March 1987. The Princess is wearing a Catherine Walker military style jacket and hat.
Prince Charles and Diana, Princess of Wales, 'enthralled' the sheikhs during their tour of Gulf states in 1989
President Ronald Reagan welcomed King Fahd to the White House in 1985.
USA/Great Britain/King Fahd financed Iraq Iran War but when Saddam Hussein entered Kuwait [Worst than Saudi Arabia] Fahd ordered Saudi Retard Toady Mutawwas to Issue Fatwa against the Same Saddam. Debauch Saudi Wahabi Somersault Fatwa of Takfeer against Saddam Hussein. In 1996 then-UN Ambassador Madeleine Albright was asked by 60 Minutes correspondent Lesley Stahl, in reference to years of U.S.-led economic sanctions against Iraq, “We have heard that half a million children have died. I mean, that is more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?” To which Ambassador Albright responded, “I think that is a very hard choice, but the price, we think, the price is worth it.”
King Fahd and President George Bush met in Riyadh in November 1990 to discuss the liberation of Kuwait.
Above: George W. Bush with Saudi Prince Bandar, the Saudi Arabian ambassador to the United States.
King Fahd hosted a visit to Saudi Arabia by President Bill Clinton in October 1994. Their meeting was attended by Ambassador Prince Bandar.
Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz and Saudi Arabian Ambassador to the U.S. Prince Bandar bin Sultan bin Abdulaziz met with Secretary of Defense William Cohen in the Pentagon in 1999.
- From left to right: Dick Cheney, Prince Bandar, Condoleezza Rice, and George W. Bush, on the Truman Balcony of the White House on September 13, 2001. [Source: White House] -
During a meeting at the White House on September 20, 2001, Minister of Foreign Affairs Prince Saud Al-Faisal assured President George W. Bush of Saudi Arabia's full cooperation in the fight against terrorism.
Abu Dharr
From left: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, President Barack Obama, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Jordan's King Abdullah II at the White House, 01 Sep 2010
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Muslim public opinion in general and Arabian public opinion in particular is at a loss to properly understand the Islamic Republic of Iran. Many people have an intuitive feeling that the Islamic orientation in Iran is for the long-term benefit of Muslims worldwide. The moneyed classes, the political elites, and the sectarian protagonists don’t see things that way — their instincts tell them that the Islamic Republic of Iran is expansionist and, therefore, a threat!
President George W. Bush, right, kisses the Emir of Kuwait, Sheik Sabah al-Ahmed al-Sabah, left, during his arrival at Kuwait International Airport, Friday, Jan. 11, 2008, in Kuwait City, Kuwait.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel welcomed Kuwait’s emir, Sheikh Sabah, when he arrived for talks in Berlin on April 26.
Shaking Hands: Iraqi President Saddam Hussein greets Donald Rumsfeld, then special envoy of President Ronald Reagan, in Baghdad on December 20, 1983. REFERENCE: US NATIONAL SECURITY ARCHIVE Shaking Hands with Saddam Hussein: The U.S. Tilts toward Iraq, 1980-1984 National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 82 Edited by Joyce Battle February 25, 2003
'A picture speaks a thousand words' Sons of Late. King Faisal [Great Great Great Maternal Grandson of Mutawwa Sheikh Mohammad Bin Abd Al Wahab] Turki Al Faisal and Saud Al Faisal with NEO CON Ex- US Vice President Dick" Cheney [Wahabis are one big fraud] - Prince Saud, Prince Turki,Vice President and Mrs. Cheney Man is known by the company he keeps DEATH SQUADS: Seymour Hersh, Dick Cheney & Secret Assassination Wing
Some of them have come out of their diplomatic silence and stated in public that Iran is more dangerous than Israel. They, at politically sensitive times, remind us that Iran occupies three United Arab Emirates islands, that Iran oppresses the Ahwazi population of Arab descent, that Iran is coordinating its moves inside Iraq with the American occupation forces, and that the Shi‘i populations of Iraq and the (Arabian) Gulf owe their allegiance to Shi‘i Iran and not to their own people. (Remember the Jordanian King and the Egyptian Pharaoh-cum-president who talked about a Shi‘i crescent a couple of years ago). And finally they say that Iran is using the Palestinian issue as a diplomatic Trojan Horse to salvage its nuclear program.
King Abdullah- King of Jordan, Wife and Parents
King Abdullah's (left) previous visit to Washington, april 2009 to speak with Obama about the Middle East Peace Process.
The President met with His Highness Shaykh Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al Sabah, the Amir of Kuwait today in the Oval Office.
Queen bee: Queen Rania of Jordan and husband King Abdullah II chat with Sarah and Gordon Brown outside No 10 Downing Street
Read more:
Shimon Peres, Queen Rania, Abdullah II of Jordan
Queen Rania knows the rules of the game that she is so willingly to play that she will sell out her people and the truth.
Jordan's Queen Rania, left, and Morocco's Princess Lalla Salma, wife of King Mohammed VI, with Princess Lalla Meryem, the King's sister, center behind, leave "Dar El Bir Oua Lihsane" charity center in Marrakesh, Morocco, Monday Jan. 14, 2008.
Sheikha Mozah,wife Amir of Qatar in Paris on June 23,2010.
Anyone who has the time and the patience to go through the official Arabian press gets the unmistakable impression that the Islamic Republic of Iran is “Zionist danger” on the verge of going nuclear while a forty year-old nuclear Zionist Israel is the Arabians’ comrade in arms. Don’t be surprised if the media networks belonging to Arabian petro-interests imply that President Mahmud Ahmadinejad is the new Holy Persian Emperor. When it comes to Islamic Iran there is a common denominator that is shared by Arabian nationalists, Islamic sectarians, and westoxicated liberals. The glue that keeps these otherwise contradictory elements together is the Saudi riyal, the American dollar, and the euro.
This motley assortment of religious and ideological types cannot see several hundred nuclear bombs and weapons in Israel; rather they have their eyes fixed on an Iran that is rumored primarily by Tel Aviv and Washington to be in a matter of a few years in possession of nuclear weapons. The Arabian media have a topsy-turvy view of facts. The political neanderthals in Riyadh, Cairo, and ‘Amman who are leading the Afro-Asian Arabian flock are preparing public opinion for an alignment of imperialism, Zionism, and Arabian munafiqs against the Islamic political order in Iran. There is a new tripartite force in the womb of the Holy Land precincts from Makkah to Jerusalem. The anti-intellectual and artless politicians in Arabian countries want to survive by any means necessary on their thrones and in the palaces; and if that means they shall politically cohabit with the evil governments of Israel and its American bedfellow then that is exactly what they will do. For the bloodline rulers of Arabia, the Lord of Makkah no longer counts; it is the lord of Washington to whom they should submit.
Some oily but squeaky Muslims from the Gulf and the Peninsula say with all the political ingenuousness that goes with it, “Why doesn’t the Islamic Republic of Iran relinquish control of the three islands of Abu Musa, the major Tunb and the minor Tunb (al-Tunb al-Kubra and al-Tunb al-Sughra)
to its rightful owner — the United Arab Emirates? As if the Islamic Republic of Iran sent in its armed forces and occupied these three islands. Their short and shallow memory does not tell them that the Islamic Republic of Iran assumed responsibility of its geographical areas — including these three islands — from the late and never lamented Shah, who was the darling of the Saudi regime and the political ally of the (Arabian) Gulfers when Arabian nationalism under the tutelage of the late Jamal ‘Abd al-Nasir was at its peak.
Arab leaders (L to R) Prince Ali of Jordan, King Abdullah of Jordan, President Ali Abdullah Saleh of Yemen, Crown Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, and President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt follow the hearse carrying the coffin of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat during the funeral ceremony in Cairo.
Suzanne Mubarak, the wife of Egyptian President ... [Suzanne Mubarak]
It was not the Islamic Republic of Iran that grabbed the southern territories of al-Ahwaz, otherwise referred to in official Ba‘thi political literature as ‘Arabistan, from al-ummah al-‘arabiyah (the Arabian Nation).
Imam Ruhullah Musavi Khomeini,the founder of Islamic Republic of Iran
Let us refresh these Islamist history losers that the Islamic State in Iran assumed political responsibility for a vast area of land that includes many nationalities such as the Persians, Arabians, Kurds, Baluchis, Uzbeks, Lurs, and Turks. The only thing all these people have in common is their Islamic character and civilization. The majority of these peoples happen to have Shi‘i persuasion as their denominational preference. It may not be off the mark to say that there are some non-Shi‘i and non-Persian Muslims in Iran who feel they are not full political and civic participants of the Islamic State. And it is on the mark to acknowledge that the leadership in the Islamic State understands this very well and is doing whatever it can — given the war conditions imposed on it — to ameliorate this situation.
Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei (R) speaks with Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal (2nd R) during an official meeting in Tehran, Iran on December 15, 2009.
The Arabian political mind, void of its Islamic content, has a problem. It wants to pick a fight with non-Arabians because of slivers of territories parceled out by British and French colonialists to Iranians and Turks at a time when all of these Arabians combined do not have the will-power to forge one united and coordinated political order, that is, government. The same problem exists between Arabian nationalists and Turks in what the Turks call the region of Hatay and the Arabians call Iskandarun between Turkey and Syria. Let us face the facts: the Arabian countries suffer from backdoor occupation — the non-representative Arabian regimes — and from in-your-face occupations — Palestine, Iraq, Ceuta and Melilla (Moroccan areas).
Spain's North African enclaves
Neutral Zones at the Boundaries Dividing Ceuta and Melilla from Morocco
Somalia has become a failed nation-state; Sudan is threatened with the same destiny as Somalia, and lurking not far behind is Morocco. The United Arab Emirates, that is so sensitive about the Arab identity of its three “Iranian” occupied Islands, has lost its own Arabian identity. Arabians in their United Arab Emirates are the overwhelming minority — while foreigners and slave-laborers constitute 80% of its population.
To be blunt: at a time when Islamic Iran broke out of the global Zionist-imperialist network 31 years ago, the Arabian political elites have prostituted themselves to the same network of political rape and economic plunder. The social world — as the physical world — does not tolerate a vacuum. So when Iraq presented a void, Islamic Iran moved in. Why should anyone in his Islamic mind be bothered by an Islamic neighbor moving into Iraq to dislodge an imperialist intruder — the USA? The Arabian political and elitist crybabies have their own selves to blame; and if they could see through the emotional knots they are in they can easily identify the Saudi family kingdom for the socio-economic and politico-military mess that they are all in.
If these same Arabian myopics could put on their corrective Islamic lenses they would realize that the leadership in Islamic Iran has gone out on a political limb in its support of the Palestinians who are neither Iranian nor Shi‘is; inside of Islamic Iran there are sectarian and nationalist pressure groups who are not convinced that their government is looking out for them. These, too, in a very roundabout way, are allies of the Arabian nationalists and Islamic sectarians.
Islamic Iran, hence Arab Iran, is the powerhouse of the whole region. It is the only principled and reliable supporter of the Islamic Resistance against Zionist occupation and expansionism. In view of this, it is Islamic Iran that is working on liberating what everyone says is Arab land, not Iranian land. Over the past two decades, it was the Arabian regimes that helped militarist American imperialism to occupy Iraq. Take Islamic Iran out of the equation and the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon and Palestine become sitting ducks for the Israeli Zionist bombers and shooters.
If the Arabians cannot do a thing to support their Palestinian brothers they should stop blaming Islamic Iran for helping them. The same Arabian regimes that backed the American occupation of Iraq are also the ones that give backbone to anti-Islamic and anti-Iranian propaganda.
While the officials and their media mouthpieces are in knots over Islamic Iran, the imperialist regime in Washington and its Zionist client in Tel Aviv are not confused by nationalism or sectarianism as they take a hard look at Islamic Iran. In the latest development the US regime has stationed a second aircraft carrier, the USS Abraham Lincoln in the waters separating Arabia and Persia. It is anchored in the Arabian and what many naive Muslims would say “Sunni” ruled Bahrain. This is the first time in the past two years that the US political-military elite has stationed two of its aircraft carriers in the Gulf between Arabia and Persia. While the Arabians are in a confused mess about “what is Iran” the USS Harry S. Truman with its four squadrons of Hornet and Super Hornet fighter-bombers, surveillance and command craft, electronic warfare craft, squadrons of helicopters and transports are marking time for the Zionists in Washington to give them their strike-commands.
To prove their loyalties, the Saudi and Egyptian armed forces secretly coordinated their first-ever joint military exercises in October. It was called Exercise Tabuk-2 and it was a mock exercise to repulse not Israeli but Iranian armed forces. This was reported to have taken place between Oct 17 and Oct 21, under the command of the acting Saudi Aviation and Defense Minister his highness Prince Khalid ibn Sultan, son of Prince Sultan and half brother of Bandar ibn Sultan (both Bandar and Sultan are said to be recuperating from serious medical problems in Morocco, the first undergoing five medical procedures and the second fighting his last days against terminal illness. Saudi press reports said Bandar returned to the kingdom in mid-October).
And there you have it: the perfect alliance between kafirs and munafiqs in contravention of the ayah that instructs committed Muslims not to confederate their political and military secrets with Zionists and imperialists, “O You, who are firmly committed [to Allah’s power and authority]! Do not predicate al-Yahud and al-Nasara (politico-military Jews and Christians) as your superior allies…” (5:82).
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